What they are: Tex-laxing is applying relaxer to your hair and intentionally under processing it by not leaving it on for the recommended time. ... Some women also texlax by adding oil to the relaxer. Women who choose to texlax do so in order to loosen the curl pattern while still keeping texture, not resulting in bone straight hair. This technique is typically considered a middle ground option.
Who they are for: Woman with tight curly hair that desires more manageability.
Application Time: 1-3 hours
Self hair care: Both relaxing and texlaxing offer benefits and risks. The chemicals in the two processes can be damaging to the hair and require consistent, high caliber hair care. Regular deep conditioning treatments are necessary for strengthening the bonds and structure of the hair shaft. To minimize breakage in the two options it is important to remain on a maintenance schedule to minimize the tension at the line of demarcation, the point at which two different textures meet. This line can be a breaking point when not handled properly. Deciding to texlax or relax requires committeemen and when using chemicals it is highly recommended to see a licensed professional.
The maintenance: 2-5 days to cut this time, utilize the regimen recommended to you.
Re-Application : An maintenance appointment need to be maintained every 12–16 weeks, when there is significant new growth.